Plastic Deformation, Mechanical and Adhesive Properties of Bio-Plastic Material
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University of Karabuk, Turkey
Publication date: 2019-09-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2019; 13(3):1-15
Given the added need for eco-friendly material, environmental scientists are constantly on the look-out for solutions. In this respect, biodegradable polymer has proved to be a promising one. Selfix material as a bioplastic is biodegradable and, unlike other plastic products, can be considered feasible for the industry as a smart material capable of biodegrading at the end of its life cycle. Using Selfix, waste paper can be re-used, thus eliminating the need for recycling and helping to reduce CO2 emissions. The present paper develops 3D models with Selfix material to offer benefits such as easy-cutting and sticking properties in a way that can be educational for children, We examine the mechanical properties of this material using tensile testing, laser-cutting, CNC milling, surface roughness and also scanning electron microscope or SEM.