The Study on the Damage of the Rear-Axle Shaft in a KIA Truck
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Lodz University of Technology
Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego Str. 1/15, 90-537 Lodz, Poland
Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems, University of Sonora, Mexico
Publication date: 2020-12-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(4):115-124
Nowadays trucks are widely used in freight transport. Every accident involving a truck as well as any longer disruption of its traffic flow causes great losses. The one disturbance in traffic flow for a truck with twin (dual) tires on its rear axle resulted from damage to the power transmission system from the engine to the drive wheels of the track. Investigating the cause of one such damage, in the form of rupture of the rear driveshaft, was the purpose of this article. The parameters of the analyzed truck, its wheels, its engine characteristics, the scheme of its cornering, the model of its rear-axle shaft, the model of loading the bearing set of its rear twin (dual) wheel were included in the paper. Also, the probable cause of the truck rear axle shaft breakage was established.