Developing a High-Performance System to Strengthen Construction Structures Against Mechanical Fatigue Using Shape Memory Materials
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LM2I, ENSEM, Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco
LMISI Laboratory, FSTS, Hassan First University of Settat, Morocco
These authors had equal contribution to this work
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Mouna Ben Zohra   

LMISI Laboratory, FSTS, Hassan First University of Settat, Morocco
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2024; 18(5):186-194
To construct resilient structures, systems and sustainable buildings, capable of enduring fatigue, inclement weather, and seismic activity, researchers are actively seeking effective solutions to minimize vibrations and cyclic loading. Although these factors may not have immediate effects, they contribute to residual deformation in structures that gradually grows over time. For this reason, shape memory alloy (SMA) can be used as a perfect damper to dissipate the mechanical load in structures construction and buildings. The SMA actuators characterized by several thermo-mechanical functions, they are generally used in different applications as Mechatronics, Biomedical, Mechanical engineering and building systems. This study aims to adapt SMA actuator with structures for construction and buildings, in order to ensure a high displacement and vigilance taking into account fatigue phenomena to repulse mechanical fatigue and fretting. Accordingly, a thermomechanical analysis has been developed using finite element techniques to describe shape memory alloys' behavior and can integrate these material as a thermomechanical actuator dampers in building engineering systems. Furthermore, the suggested model elucidates the actuator's thermomechanical response, showcasing its adaptable behavior to both superelasticity and the shape memory effect within the desired structure in the building. Thus, the numerical findings affirm the efficacy of the proposed design that based on shape memory materials in addressing thermomechanical fatigue within buildings, concurrently enhancing structural resilience against mechanical fatigue. The primary outcome of this study is the successful preservation of the Ni-Ti superelastic response within the proposed system. This preservation is validated through cycling variations of up to 7.6% strain, significantly surpassing the requirements typically mandated for applications in earthquake engineering.
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