Numerical Modeling of Superplastic Punchless Deep Drawing Process of a Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy
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Rzeszow University of Technology, Department of Materials Forming and Processing, 8 Powstańców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Publication date: 2020-03-01
Corresponding author
Marta Wójcik
Rzeszow University of Technology, Department of Materials Forming and Processing, 8 Powstańców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(1):127-136
Numerical results of superplastic punchless deep drawing of the Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy are presented in this paper. The material behavior subjected to the forming process was characterized by deformation-microstructure constitutive equations including the grain growth. Superplastic stress-strain characteristics used in the numerical simulations have been computed with the application of authorial program. The explicit integration scheme is used in solving differential equations. Numerical simulations of the super-elastic deep drawing are made by finite element method analysis. The von Mises stress distribution in the blow-forming process was obtained. The possible faults of extrusions caused by the improper load history as well as unsuitable pressure were also presented in this paper. Numerical simulations included in this research allow for the proper choice of material and drawing parameters which can help to optimize the superplastic forming process.