Design of Dry Friction Damper to Reduce Vibration Impacts to Circuit Cards at Critical Frequencies
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Department of Art and Project Graphics, Khmelnytsky National University, 11 Institutska Str., 29016 Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Khmelnytsky National University,11 Institutska Str., 29016 Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
Department of Art and Project Graphics, Khmelnytsky National University,11 Institutska Str., 29016 Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
Corresponding author
Ihor Kovtun   

Department of Art and Project Graphics, Khmelnytsky National University, 11 Institutska Str., 29016 Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2024; 18(2):78-87
The paper is focused on providing strength and stiffness for circuit cards exposed to vibration at critical frequencies. Since the dry friction damping is more effective than viscous damping and in case when application of viscous dampers is restricted by electronic package design the dry friction damper is proposed to be embedded to design of enclosure case in order to reduce oscillation amplitudes of circuit cards at critical frequencies. Dry friction damper produces dissipative forces – non-elastic resistance forces due to friction in kinematic pairs undergoing oscillations. The mathematical model has been developed for estimation of maximal dynamic stress and deflection in critical cross-section of circuit card with embedded dry friction damper at critical frequencies. Developed mathematical model specifies minimal limit value for stiffness of dry friction damper, which is used in engineering calculations to determine its geometric parameters. Design of dry friction damper is introduced by semi-elliptical beam with rectangular profile. The effectiveness of dry friction damper to reduce dynamic stress and deflection in circuit cards has been analytically proved and experimentally testified.
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