Research of Speed Parameters of the Ring Rolling Process
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Mechanical Faculty, Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Czestochowa University of Technology, ul. J.H. Dabrowskiego 69, 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
Corresponding author
Piotr Surdacki
Mechanical Faculty, Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2022; 16(6):251-257
Hot ring rolling is a method of forming ring products with large diameters in relation to the cross-sectional dimensions. This process is a complex incremental metal forming process. It is characterized by high dynamics and continuous change of hape of the rolled ring. Important process parameters are the rotational speed (and the peripheral speed dependent thereon) and the infeed speed of the main roll. In industry, the goal is to be as efficient as possible, so it makes sense to use the highest possible speeds in the process. An important issue is to determine the ratio of the peripheral speed of the main roll to the infeed of that roll. If the ratio of these speeds is too low, the ring is distorted due to the occurrence of slippage between the tools and the ring being shaped. The objective of the research presented in this study was to determine the limiting ratio of infeed speed to peripheral speed of the main roll. Based on the tests conducted, a range of values for the ratio of the two speeds of the main roll at which the process can be performed properly was determined.