Investigating the Effect of Hybrid Process: MPF/SPIF on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Brass (65-35) Sheet
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Department of Production and metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq
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Aqeel Sabree Bedan
Department of Production and metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(3):302-308
Metal forming process is one of the most important manufacturing processes that translate the sheet and bulk metal to the final product with simple punch and. Single point incremental forming (SPIF) process is considered as a modern flexible manufacturing techniques that is use a simple tool and non-specific fixture die to complete the forming, this method is used in prototype manufacturing system due to the time consuming during the forming. The advantage of this process is low cost and simple equipment. However, some limitation was founded including poor geometric accuracy, non- uniform thickness distribution, dimple and high forming time.
Multi-point forming (MPF) is another modern forming method that is used in industrial applications due to its advantage such as uniform thickness distribution with low forming time consuming. This method used matrix of simple tools to deform the sheet metal to the desired shape. Wrinkle and dimple due to small contact area between tool and blank under high forming force are considered the main limitation of using MPF process. To take the advantages of this processes with reduced the limitations a hybrid forming (HF) process of both MPF and SPIF are used. The experimental work was applied to produce a hemi-spherical product of brass blank using the SPIF, MPF, and HF processes. Satisfactory results are obtained using a hybrid forming process with free of defects products and reduction in production as compared to the SPIF. A high improve in microstructure including refinements in grain size with twins effects. The sample produced with SPIF process showed a high microhardness as compared to the sample produced using MPF process, however, the hybrid MPF and SPIF forming process showed slightly improving in microhardness as comparing to the as received materials, reflecting the microstructure development of the processed samples.