Influence of the Amplitude of Resonance Vibrations on Fatigue Life of a Compressor Blade with Simulated FOD Damage
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Rzeszow University of Technology
Publication date: 2020-09-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(3):22-29
This work presents the results of the numerical analysis of the influence of resonance vibration amplitude on the fatigue life of a compressor blade with a defect made by a collision with a hard object (FOD). The research object is the first stage compressor blade of the PZL-10W engine. Numerical simulation of notch formation was created for the tested blade. Material fatigue models (for e-N analysis), three cyclic hardening models, and two mean stress correction models were used in the numerical analyses. As a result of the numerical analysis, information on the distribution of principal stress was obtained. The values of the principal stresses were used for numerical e-N fatigue analysis using the aforementioned models of fatigue, hardening, and mean stress correction. Obtained results were compared to previously published experimental research [2], where a notch was created at the leading edge in 8 blades. In mentioned works, blades damaged in laboratory conditions were subjected to experimental fatigue tests during which the effect of resonance amplitude on the number of damage cycles was determined. As a result of the comparison work carried out, the impact of vibration amplitude on the durability of the element with plastic deformation was determined.