Designing and Upgrading the Assembly Process and Verifying the Performance of the Pick to Light System Program
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Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Kosice, University of Economics in Bratislava, Košice, Slovak Republic
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 19, 040 01, Kosice, Slovakia
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Corresponding author
Naqib Daneshjo
Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Kosice, University of Economics in Bratislava, Tajovského 13, 04 130 Košice, Slovak Republic
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2018; 12(4):126-135
The aim of the work is to change the current program in the PLC to be as close as possible to the real-world Pick to Light system in the automotive industry for installing individual car components. The change consists in completing the navigation and tutorial mode while preserving the original function of the program which is to measure the time of each step in assembly of the components and the reading of the pieces from the trays. A simple virtual laboratory model has been created which makes possibility to test the program even if access to the PLC and HMI panel is not possible. The partial goal was to modify the visualization of the program in the operator touch panel HMI. Another partial goal was to implement the new PLC program. In order to better understanding of the created program, the flowcharts were created and described for the main parts of the program.