The Concept of Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Urbanised Areas for a 3D Real Property Register in Poland
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University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Geodetic and Cartographic Enterprise "EGiB", Lublin
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, Kielce University of Technology
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2022; 16(4):298-308
Virtual three-dimensional visualisations are a relatively new chapter in the history of terrain modelling in Poland. The visualisations prepared in Poland are considerably varied due to the adopted method of data processing and presentation. One of the main factors determining the course of works and their final result is the choice of the optimum data source for the task per-formed. The increasingly popular photogrammetric methods, including laser scanning, make it possible to create fully functional and visually attractive models. However, with their application, a complete visualisation of an extensive area (e.g. a mid-sized city) would entail significant expense and require a huge workload due to the unavailability of ready input data. This publication describes an alternative, economical and fast method for preparing simplified three-dimensional visualisations of a territory with an almost unlimited surface area, developed for a selected part of Poland. Based on their visualisations, the authors propose using data from local databases linked to nationwide digital geodetic resources for the needs of a 3D real property register. This work contains a detailed description of methods used in creating visualisations and an evaluation of the quality of the project deliverable including a list of observations regarding different categories of the presented objects. In addition, the summary of this article suggests potential solutions to improve the process of visualisation by using different types of data modification.