Testing of Technical Fabrics under Fast Camera Control
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Faculty of Civil and Anvironmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
Navigation and Naval Weapons Faculty, Polish Naval Academy, Inżyniera Jana Śmidowicza 69, 81-127 Gdynia, Poland
Mechanical-Electrical Engieering Faculty, Polish Naval Academy, Inżyniera Jana Śmidowicza 69, 81-127 Gdynia, Poland
Corresponding author
Wojciech Jurczak
Mechanical-Electrical Engieering Faculty, Polish Naval Academy, Inżyniera Jana Śmidowicza 69, 81-127
Gdynia, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(1):332-344
The dynamic development of measurement and recording techniques has been changing the way one conceives material strength. In this study, two different methods of evaluating the strength of fabrics are compared. The first is the typical and commonly used technique based on the use of a testing machine. The second method uses the so-called “fast camera” to monitor the entire process of the destruction of a fabric sample and analyse the behaviour of the fabric during the experiment. Both methods provide interesting data and present a very specific way of experimentally evaluating the strength of fabrics.