Stability Problems of Comperssed Thin-Walled Structures
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Lublin University of Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publication date: 2018-12-01
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Hubert Dębski
Lublin University of Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2018; 12(4):190-198
The object of this study is a thin-walled columns made of carbon-epoxy composite with open top-hat cross-section. The material used was a composite of epoxy matrix reinforced with carbon fiber (system HexPly M12, Hexcel). The M12 system is used above all in aircraft structures. It exhibits high fatigue durability and good maintenance properties at relatively low specific gravity. The research was lead as the FEM numerical analyses and experimental tests in buckling and post-buckling state. The numerical tool used was the ABAQUS software.