Simple Optical Coordinate Measuring System, Based on Fiducial Markers Detection, and its Accuracy Assessment
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Cracow University of Technology, Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology
Publication date: 2020-12-01
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Piotr Gąska
Cracow University of Technology, Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(4):213-219
The area of application of contactless measuring systems has been rapidly growing over past two decades. Development of contactless measuring methods can be observed also in Coordinate Metrology. Due to the growing number of contactless systems meet in industry, there is also a growing interest in the issue of their accuracy among research centres. The interesting new solution which can be applied in contactless measurements is usage of fiducial markers in dimensional metrology. In this paper, authors present simple and cheap optical system and try to assess its accuracy as well as a calibration process of reference plate is described. Research was conducted for basic measuring tasks met in Coordinate Measuring Technique. Markers are attached to z-axis ram of Coordinate Measuring Machine which is used as a reference system. Article presents results obtained for basic measuring tasks, which can be base for further research aimed at improvement of accuracy of measurements done using fiducial markers.