Determination of Bolt Forces and Normal Contact Pressure Between Elements in the System with Many Bolts for its Assembly Conditions
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West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
Publication date: 2019-03-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2019; 13(1):116-121
The paper put forward a thesis that modelling dissymmetric non-linear multi-bolted connections as a system is possible. Modelling of the systems composed of four subsystems on the assembly state was presented. These subsystems included: a couple of joined elements (a flange and a support), a contact layer between them, and bolts. The physical model of the system was described considering the tightening of bolts according to a specific sequence. In this model: the flange and the support were built using spatial finite elements, the contact layer was formed as the non-linear Winkler model, and the bolts were replaced with simplified models made of flexible beams. The calculation model which can be applied to determine the changes in bolt forces, as well as in the normal contact pressure between the joined elements during the tightening of the system and at its end, was presented. The results of sample calculations for the selected multi-bolted system were shown.