Characterizing the formability of mild steel in the production of square components by deep drawing process
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Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
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Adnan I. Mohammed
Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2025; 19(4)
The deep drawing process for square cups is commonly utilized in sheet metal forming, however, there are many associated defects, including fracture, earing, wrinkling. A problem that has more attention in this work is the studying of the influence of the different parameters such as blank diameter, drawing speed, and punch profile radius on the formability of the squared cups. Three circular blanks with diameter (80, 90, 100) mm, three punch profile radius of (4, 7, 10) mm, and three drawing speed of (100, 200, 300) mm/min have been chosen, while the other parameters kept constant. The formability indicators utilized in this study are thickness distribution, maximum thinning and maximum drawing force. The experiments were designed by L9 Taguchi method and analyzed by ANOVA and S/N ratios techniques. The results shown that square cup corners experience higher deformation than that of the side walls cup. Consequently, during plastic deformation, the metal flows along the side walls of the cup are easier and more uniform compared to those in the corners. The best results were obtained from the 80mm blank dimeter, with 100mm/min drawing speed and 7mm punch profile radius according to the uniform thickness distribution, maximum thinning and maximum drawing force.