Braking Characteristics of the Specified Modern Electric Vehicle During Intensive Braking
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University of Zilina, Institute of Forensic Research and Education, Ulica 1. mája 32, 010 01 Zilina, Slovakia
University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Univerzitná 1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia
University of Zagreb, Department of Traffic Accidents Expertise, Borongajska 83a, 10 000, Zagreb, Croatia
Publication date: 2020-09-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(3):125-134
For the accident process analysis the correct information is very important, as the full braking deceleration of the vehicle is the essential factor of the road accident process analysis. The aim of the contribution was to define and compare the braking properties of the tested electric vehicle Tesla model S by means of the decelograph XL MeterTM Pro and smartphone as a new alternative method. The measured procedure was the intensive vehicle braking by means of fully pressed-down operation brake from the different initial velocities. Alltogether 32 measurements were carried out, out of which 16 on the dry surface and 16 on the wet surface. This contribution contains the methodology and the results of the performed measurements. Data obtained by the measuring device XL Meter TM Pro have been processed by the programmes XL Visionä and PC Crash 11.0., data from the smartphone by the Diagram programme. The results and data processed herewith can be useful for forensic practice.