Assessment of the Applicability of Aluminum Alloy Welding Processes during the Prefabrication of Ship Structures Based on the Multi-Index Method
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Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, al. Piastów 41, 70-065, Szczecin, Poland
Alumare sp. z o. o., ul. Portowa 16, 72-600, Świnoujście, Poland
Corresponding author
Tomasz Piotr Urbański
Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, al. Piastów 41, 70-065, Szczecin, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(1):133-139
The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the processes of welding aluminum alloys in terms of their applicability to the process of prefabrication of ship structures. The prefabrication process requires solving a number of problems related to the welding processes used (e.g. the problem of welding incompatibilities, deformations). Therefore, the key issue is to choose the right welding process, which is complex and difficult. It requires analysis of the process considering many points of view (e.g. technological, economic, security) in order to maximize the objectivity of the choice. Therefore, an attempt at a comprehensive view requires the formulation of a set of accurate evaluation criteria. The multi-indicator expert assessment presented in the article makes it possible to make such a choice. Currently used methods of welding aluminum alloys, both those from the group of conventional and innovative methods, were assessed. As a result of the analysis, the so-called technological hierarchy that allows to rank the assessed processes in terms of their suitability in the process of prefabrication of ship structures.