The Impact of FDM Process Parameters on the Compression Strength of 3D Printed PLA Filaments for Dental Applications
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Metallurgical Engineering and Production Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
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Mostafa Adel Hamed   

Metallurgical Engineering and Production Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(4):121-129
This study evaluated Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) for printing objects with maximum compression strength by focusing on critical process parameters. Infill density, outer shell width, infill pattern, and layer thickness were examined. Taguchi studies tested all parameter values with the fewest possible tests. Infill density (55.488 Mpa) affected compressive resistance the most, followed by outer shell width (1.8 mm), infill pattern (75%), infill pattern type (concentric), nozzle diameter (0.6 mm), and layer thickness (0.3 mm) and the liner regression model which use to prediction experimental value shown minimum percentage error(4%). The study also demonstrated the fabrication of 3D-printed crowns using PLA and FDM printing as temporary crowns, which remained intact without any discomfort until the permanent prosthesis was ready. The average printing time for temporary crowns was approximately 7 minutes. This study indicates that 3D printing of temporary crowns with PLA using FDM printing is a convenient process for dentists the result for crowns for teeth 13 and 16 of the human case study showed good accuracy and good resistance to compression.
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