Selected Issues on the Operation of the Internal Combustion Engine Turbocharger
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Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Bosch Serwis Logis in Radom
Publication date: 2020-06-01
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Wincenty Lotko
Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2020; 14(2):223-232
The combustion engine turbocharger works in the most difficult conditions due to high temperatures of the fuels it is driven by, vibrations and high rotational speeds of its shaft up to 200 thousand rpm. In addition, under these conditions, there are difficulties with lubrica-tion of the blade axes. Thus, the combustion engine turbocharger is exposed to damages oc-curring during the engine operation process. The frequency of damages was determined on the basis of tests for a selected group of vehicles. The object of detailed author's own rese-arch was the Audi 3.0 V6 TDI engine of the Audi A6 C6 car which cooperated with a Borg Warner turbocharger with a variable angle of turbine steering wheel blades. These positio-ners are also expose to adverse conditions: mainly vibrations and high temperatures. They are subjected to frequent damages, which often affect the engine control parameters.
An analysis of the positioner element damage as well as a group of testers to assess their technical condition was made. The evaluated testers allowed only to determine the efficien-cy of the turbocharger, but without indicating its technical condition or its positioner separa-tely. Consequently, the author’s own research methodology and the construction of a new tester for the electromechanical turbocharger adjuster was developed. The necessary tests for the vehicle mileage up to 350,000 kph were carried out. The self- designed tester can also estimate the degree of electromechanical wear of the positioner in the engine supercharging system as well as the resistance of its movements resulting from the pollution of the VTG turbocharger mechanism with the turbine steering wheel positioner, with variable geometri-cal parameters.