Performance Evaluation of a Production Control Architectures for Flexible Manufacturing System
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Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, 35010 Iraq
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Dhuha Kadhim Ismayir   

Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, 35010 Iraq
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2024; 18(3):175-187
The study offers an analytical approach for assessing production control system performance in terms of volume and variety features of the product being manufactured for the Flexible Manufacturing System. Throughput, resource utilisation, cycle time, and maximum completion time are the four performance indicators taken into account. The objective is to quantify the production system's performance and define the reactive capability of production control architectures in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive. The examination of control systems' production performances motivates the evaluation of these architectures through the introduction of scheduling approaches that deal with uncertainty. Results revealed the semi-heterarchical control architecture outperforms the hierarchical control architecture through multiple performance criteria. A case study with regard to a manufacturing control system is presented in order to highlight the significance of our methodology and the contribution of the research.
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