Joining the High-Strength Steel Sheets Used in Car Body Production
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Department of Technology, Materials and Computer Support of Production, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia
Publication date: 2021-03-01
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2021; 15(1):184-196
Nowadays, there are several important reasons for using high-strength sheets in the manufacture of car bodies. Car manufacturers choose the steel with good formability, fatigue resistance and ability to absorb impact energy. One of these materials, which fulfil above mentioned criteria are microalloyed steels and dual-phase steels. The application of high-strength sheets has led to develop new materials joining techniques. Mechanical joining such as clinching is the innovative technique to join these progressive materials. Materials of different thicknesses can be joined by clinching. The paper focuses on the comparison of the properties of the joints made by clinching and resistance spot welding. The application of resistance spot welding is still the most used joining method in car body production. These properties were investigated by tensile test and metallographic observation. Steel sheets HCT600X+ZF, HCT600X+Z and HX420LAD+Z were used for the experiments. The results of tensile test show that the values of load-bearing capacity of clinched joints reached from 3900 N to 5900 N and resistance spot welded joints reached the values of load-bearing capacity from 12000 N to 19500 N. In comparison to the resistance spot welded joints, the clinched joints reached from 32 to 48% of load-bearing capacity.