Analysis of Tool Geometry and Lubrication Conditions Effect on the Forming Load During Wire Drawing Process
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Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology – Iraq, Al Senaha Str., Karada, 10066, Baghdad, Iraq
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Jalil J. Shukur   

Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology – Iraq, Al Senaha Str., Karada, 10066, Baghdad, Iraq
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2022; 16(4):279-286
Most of wire drawing processes is performed at room temperature, causing rising up the heat due to the plastic deformation and the generated friction at the work piece-tool interface. In the poor lubrication conditions, there is a likelihood that both the die and the drawn wire will be damaged. This is because the drawing load is greatly influenced by tool geometry and lubrication conditions, The research work conducted in this paper focuses on drawing of 3 mm diameter Electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) cooper wire to perform 20% reduction in cross sectional area through a conical die. Various parameters have been tested to study the effect of them on the forming load during wire drawing including die angle (4°,6°,8°), bearing distance (1.2, 1.5, 1.8) mm, and lubricant types (Lithium-based greases, soap powder, oil HP). The first phase of this paper is conducted to estimate the coefficient of friction for each lubricant type, Utilizing the experimental values of drawing force in theoretical formals. Based on the estimated values obtained, the second phase was creating numerical model to extend the work to more parameters level as well as check the results validation. The results demonstrated that the drawing force increases with increasing of bearing distance and friction coefficient.
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