Prediction of the sheet thickness effect on the formability of brass CuZn37 in single point incremental forming using Hooputra ductile damage model
Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, Al-Sena’ah Str., Karadah, 10066, Baghdad, Iraq”
AlFarahidi University, Baghdad, 00965, Iraq”
Autor do korespondencji
Marwa K. Qate'a
Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department, University of Technology, Al-Sena’ah Str., Karadah, 10066, Baghdad, Iraq”
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2025; 19(1):95-110
Single point incremental Forming (SPIF) is a novel and practical approach for quickly prototyping and producing small batch sheet metal components. Predicting the impact of sheet thickness in the SPIF process is vital for assessing forming limits, understanding material behavior, optimizing tool design and path, and improving material utilization. It enables engineers to make informed decisions and optimize the process for enhanced formability and part quality. In this work, the numerical simulation of formability of the hyperbolic truncated pyramid with varying wall angles from 20° to 80° by the implementation of the “Hooputra Ductile Damage (HDD) model” in Abaqus/Explicit with the version of (CAE, 2017) has been conducted for brass of CuZn37 to study and predict the impact of the material's sheet thickness on its formability in SPIF process. In addition to that, the effect of sheet thickness on three other output responses: Von Mises stress, equivalent plastic strain, and contact pressure, have been examined. The results demonstrated the excellent success of the Hooputra Ductile Damage model in simulating the formability and capturing the fracture in the SPIF process with a total error ratio of approximately 1.91%. The results also showed that increasing sheet thickness from 0.4 – 1.4 mm increases formability, Von Mises stress, and contact pressure while leading to decreases and then increases the equivalent plastic strain.