Modern concepts of construction of running systems of freight wagons in the aspect of legal and technical requirements
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Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Poznański Instytut Technologiczny
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2025; 19(2)
The article presents issues related to current development trends in rail transport of cargo, aimed at implementing ultra-light structures of running gear of freight wagons. Putting such structures into operation is consistent with the general policy of the countries associated with the European Union, aimed at climate protection. The ultra-light structure achieves this goal for the first time in the production process and for the second time in the transport process, i.e. the energy used in the transport process is used more effectively in the transport processes. In addition, the transport position of rail freight transport on the means of transport market is increasing.
The paper presents a comprehensive approach to the subject of construction of running systems of rail vehicles in the context of development possibilities towards optimizing mass and negative impact on the natural environment, taking into account the requirements they must meet.
The paper presents comprehensive requirements for individual elements of a freight wagon bogie, taking into account all technical, standard and operational aspects essential for obtaining the correct design of the bogie.