The Influence of Pressure in the Infusion Method Upon Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
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Polish Air Force University, ul. Dywizjonu 303 no. 35, 08-521 Dęblin, Poland
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Jacek Janiszewski
Polish Air Force University,
ul. Dywizjonu 303 no. 35,
08-521 Dęblin, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(6):217-227
In the modern aerospace industry, a steady increase in the share of composite materials is recorded every single year. Polymer layer composites seem to be the ones that are used most commonly in aviation. There are multiple methods of producing this type of materials, of which the most commonly used methods are as follows: the infusion method, the negative pressure bag method and the hydraulic press method. The infusion process makes it possible to obtain composites with the best mechanical properties. In the infusion process, the mould is pre-prepared (together with the reinforcement made of the material from which the composite is made, e.g. carbon fibre), which is tightly closed in a negative pressure bag, and the equipment supplying the previously mixed resin with hardener is connected to the injection points. The negative pressure generated by the negative pressure pump in the mould prepared in this way (negative pressure bag) makes the previously prepared resin seep through the reinforcement material. Various negative pressure levels can be used. This work describes the effect of the applied negative pressure level on the obtained mechanical properties of a composite reinforced with carbon fibres. It appears that the best visual properties of the composite material are obtained with the use of indirect (optimal) negative pressure but the best strength properties with the use of maximal negative pressure.