The Influence of Gradation and Type of Abrasive Material on Strength of Adhesive Joints of Steel Sheets
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Institute of Technical Sciences and Aviation, The University College of Applied Sciences in Chełm, Pocztowa 54, 22-100 Chełm, Poland
Faculty of Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, Študentská 26, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovak Republic
Corresponding author
Anna Rudawska
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2024; 18(6):341-350
The purpose of the work is to present issues related to the influence of surface treatment on the strength of adhesive joints of C45 steel sheets by grinding based on experimental research. These issues were related to determining the impact of the gradation and type of abrasive material on the strength of adhesive joints of the steel sheets. The grinding was carried out manually using an angle grinder with a disc diameter of 125 mm and a rotational speed of 11,060 min-1, using abrasive materials with grains made of: ceramics, zirconium and electro-corundum with a gradation of P40, and sandpaper with grains made of electro-corundum with various grain sizes with three gradations P40, P220, P400 (according to European FEPA standards). To make the adhesive joints of steel sheets, the epoxy adhesive was used, which contains an epoxy resin based on bisphenol A and a triethyleneteramine curing agent. A profilographometer from Hommel - Etamic was used to determine selected 2D and 3D surface roughness parameters, and the strength tests of the steel sheets adhesive joints were performed on a ZWICK/ROELL Z150 testing machine. The analysis of the tests showed a significant impact of the surface treatment method on the attained shear strength of the steel sheets adhesive joints. Comparing the samples prepared with electrocorundum of the variable gradation, the tests exhibited that the samples prepared with P40 paper had the highest roughness, while samples prepared with P400 paper had the highest shear strength. Roughness analysis indicated that in the comparison group of samples prepared with abrasives of the various abrasive materials, ceramics showed the highest roughness parameters and the shear strength of the adhesive joints after this treatment.